Conditions of participation
On each official BUG ride, participants will be asked to complete a BUG sign-on sheet.
By giving your signature you agree to:
abide by the Australian Road Rules, including wearing an Australian Standards AS/NZS 2063 approved helmet at all times whilst riding
agree to obey the directions of any of the nominated ride officials (Ride Leader/ Ride Sweep)
carry adequate drinking water and carry clothing appropriate to the prevailing conditions of the day
carry adequate items to effect repairs (such as tyre levers, pump, patch kit, spare tube of correct size, multi-tool)
ensure the bike you are riding is mechanically sound
fitness and skill levels needed to complete the ride successfully and safely
the BUG Risk Warning
'I hereby waive all claims, or cause of action which I may be entitled to have against all officers, personnel, officials, organisers and any other participants who may be liable for any damage in respect of any matter whatsoever arising out of/ or incidental to the bike ride, whether or not such act or omission by such aforesaid St George Bicycle User Group personnel is negligent or reckless.
I hereby give my consent for qualified First Aid practitioners to provide First Aid and Ride Officials or others to deliver me for treatment at the nearest operating and available medical facility, in case I am injured as a result of bike ride activity or event, I am part of or involved with'

Risk Warning
As a participant in this recreational activity, you may be exposing yourself to a risk of harm. St George Bicycle User Group (BUG), the Ride Coordinator and Ride Leaders wish to warn you of the risks and hazards that are an inherent part of cycling, and to take care to prevent putting yourself, your fellow participants and/or others into danger.