Kym Easton Memorial Ride
Grant Easton led the inaugural Kym Easton Memorial Ride from Rooty Hill to Como. For the BUG members it was a fitting way to both remember and honour Kym
Grant thanked all those that rode today and acknowledged the support offered to his mother Kym during her palliative care and also highlighted the support of Jo Young and Col Drever in assisting with the ride organisation. The ride finished with a moving 'walk across Como Bridge' wherein the riders received a tremendous feast by Grant's extended family, as a thankyou to all those that rode
The ride also served as a fundraiser for the palliative care nurses at Calvary Hospital whom Grant acknowledged for their special support during an extended stay by his mother. The intent is to provide 'something back' to those nurses. Some $2,500 has been pledged/ donated to this wonderful gesture

tended stay by Kym