Cycling and the Infrastructure Investment Program
Earlier this year, the BUG President was invited by the Federal Member for Banks, David Coleman, MP to discuss cycling needs across the St George and greater Sydney region. Suggestions including dedicated & integrated cycling pathways such as on M7 were canvassed on behalf of the BUG
The Federal Member for Banks committed to seeking advice on the Commonwealth Governments strategy for cyclists using major roads. A response from the Assistant Minister for Infrastructure, the Hon Jamie Briggs has been received and summarized as follows:
The Government is committed to supporting the safety and wellbeing of cyclists. It is working closely with states, territories and the bicycle industry to deliver on that commitment
Through the Governments Infrastructure Investment Program, bicycle paths are being incorporated into Commonwealth-funded road projects wherever possible
Existing national guidelines have been developed by Austroads and the Australian Bicycle Council which sets out clear guidance for the provision of bicycle infrastructure in road projects. The Government is a member of these organisations and road agencies in all states and territories have adopted the guidelines.
The Governments policy for providing for the safety of cyclists is guided by the National Road Safety Strategy 2011-2020 and the National Road Safety Action Plan 2015-2017
The BUG thanks the Federal Member for Banks for his continued interest and support of the BUG and in fostering safe cycling