With the Corona virus spreading throughout the world from China, our Federal and State Governments have deemed it necessary for most Australians to distance themselves from one another by at least 1.5 metres to try and limit its spread within our country.
For St George BUG, as with other bike groups, this resulted in us not being able to cycle as a group. Members continue to cycle solo, or with one other person, as exercising is permitted for our physical and mental well-being.
We have been cautioned against using public transport, or travelling out of our area, so rides have been somewhat restricted. We look forward to the day when we can again ride together as a group and enjoy the social interaction among members of our BUG.
Members of our Committee have met online via Zoom, organised by our President, Kathee Quirk, and we will continue to meet in this way if the social distancing restrictions are still in force when the next meeting is due.